How to Insulate Glass Windows Effectively During Winter

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insulated glass windows for home

During winter, you definitely turn up your thermostat for more heat. However, the conditions of your windows will have a huge impact on how warm your home will be and whether the heating system will run efficiently.

If the windows are not properly insulated, you’ll run the heating system at its peak for longer periods than you normally do. Consequently, you’ll pay higher electricity bills.

insulated glass windows for home

Rather than going through all that trouble, read through this article to learn how you can insulate your windows during winter.


  1. Window Insulation Films

Window insulation films are an affordable way of insulating windows. A window film can cover four to five windows. If you use these films appropriately, they won’t have a negative impact on the look of your windows. These films are typically applied on the exterior window frame. They come in the form of a plastic film and are applied using a double-stick type of tape. Once applied, the film is heated with a hairdryer to remove any wrinkles.

Advantages– These films are affordable and effective in insulating glass windows.

Disadvantages If the films aren’t installed properly, they’ll shrink and look cloudy on the windows.


  1. Weather Stripping Rubber

You can buy weather stripping rubber from your local hardware store. The rubber is cut into lengthy strips to fit along the window length. The weather stripping rubber is typically peeled to reveal a self-adhesive surface, which is applied over the window frame to close gaps and keep out any drafts.

Advantages– Weather stripping rubber is affordable, effective, and adds an attractive look to the windows.

DisadvantagesWhen peeling off rubber weather strips, they often leave a glue residue. They also peel the paint when being taken off.


  1. Draft Snakes

You can place draft snakes on the sill of the window or under a door to keep away cold air and wind from your home. They’re ideal for use in older homes, especially where the doors and floors are not properly lined.

You can sew your own draft snake tubing with fabric and fill it with dried rice. Ensure the draft snake fits the width and length of the window sill.

Advantages– You can easily make your own draft snakes. They’re also inexpensive.

Disadvantages– They’re inconvenient when opening and closing the door or window.


  1. Layered or insulated curtains

In case you’re trying to keep cold air away from your home through window gaps, enhance the treatments on the windows. You can use heavy fabric or layered curtains to cover the windows and keep drafts away from your home.

Insulated curtains are a great choice since they come with an inbuilt thermal backing. Thick fabric will also assist in keeping the bedroom dark for those who dislike sleeping with light illuminating the bedroom.

Advantages– You can match them with the existing indoor décor.

Disadvantages– Heavy curtains and drapes can block natural light. They’re also expensive.


  1. Cellular Shades

Cellular shades are ideal for insulating windows while still allowing natural light into the space. You can have them customized to match your home’s décor. They’re easily available from local design centers.

Advantages– They can be custom-fitted. They also allow light through them.

Disadvantages– They’re expensive and not as effective as heavy curtains in insulating windows.

Luckily for you, our experienced and reliable glass repair team can assist you with making the best choice for insulating your home. Thus, rely on our glazing service to keep your house warm during winter.


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